

tulees Fashionista | Spokes Model | Daughter | Mother | Grandmother | Business Professional | Entrepreneur | Athelete | Visionary | Philanthropist | World Changer

The tulees Fashion Coterie are grouped into five (5) life stages:
  • young 0-18
  • all-grown-up 18-25
  • vibrant 25-40
  • young-at-heart 40-60
  • boomers & beyond 60+

"The tulees Fashion Coterie is a fun group of women who have similar tastes in fashion and share other lifestyle interests. It's been an exciting experience to launch a project, where we are encouraging preservation of natural resources and modeling sustainability in business by using fashion as our venue. We are 'spokes models' for the tulees brand of clothing . But more than that, focused "World Changers" because the founders were willing to step-out from corporate crowd, and start the business of 'repurposed' manufacturing which means designing and sewing remnants (throw-away fabric from big companies) into fun, easy-to-wear fashion clothing. Hope you'll apply and join in the fun." - Marlina Velasco, tulees Marketing

Creating fashion eco-culture in community through conscious business practices.

Inspiring and empowering women to look and be their best.

"Society is becoming more conscious about environmental sustainability and ecology, but economics often hinder even the best intentions. There should be a responsibility not only to create performance standards in operation, but also to choose building materials that have the fewest impacts on the environment. For example, a house that consumes less energy has less of an environmental impact. A house that demands fewer wood materials also destroys fewer trees that are necessary in the absorption of pollutants in our air...Humans are creatures of habit and our behavior is a reflection upon that style of thinking that is currently creating more destruction and waste by-products such as pollution than our earth can regenerate into its life cycle. Eco-culture is perhaps our new paradigm to an immediate needed change." Read more...

Apply today to become a member of tulees Fashion Coterie:
Contact Marlina Velasco at 206.979.7363 or email for more information, application, and benefits to joining this growing entourage of empowered women of Coterie. | tuleesblog | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube